Thursday, March 12, 2009

Scared Poopless

This is Nora. Isn't she just an angel? Careful. She is also the world's greatest actress.

Nora is our 8 month old rescue from Tenn-eh-see. She came into our life 1 week before our wedding. I guess we didn't think all that wedding stress was enough, so we piled more on.

I have tons of horrifying stories starring Nora, but I'll save those for another time. Today is the tale of my husband being a manly man as he saved Nora from what she thought was certain death.

After an afternoon of being slobbered and chewed on at the dog park, Nick gave both our dogs a bath (a feat in and of itself). Nick let Nora out into the backyard as she had that pained expression on her face and high-pitched squeal that signals "Let me out NOW or I will desecrate this new carpet you just had installed!". From the backdoor, he watched her scramble to her usual spot.
The next thing I hear is Nick laughing to the point that it brought him to his knees. Nora had explosive diarrhea and was terrified of what was happening to her lower extremities. After her episode passed, she quickly came to the door begging to be let in, but I spotted more black spots then usual on her tail.

I handed Nick some paper towels and Greenworks cleaner and sent him out into the backyard. Poor Nora kept trying to lick Nick as he wiped her butt, tail, and legs. She walked back into the house looking completely violated..... as did my husband.
Parenting is going to be interesting.

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