Friday, April 24, 2009

So over it...and there's an app for that

My doctor ordered another ultrasound that we had done at 26 weeks (so...this past Monday). I always get this weird mixture of absolute awe and concern when I see him on the monitor. The fact that his toes are touching his forehead makes me laugh and worry all at the same time. "My son is auditioning for Cirque du Sole!" and yet I think to myself, the human body shouldn't be able to contort like that.

Vincent is slightly above average weight at this point and we asked the doctor if he could calculate his length. The doc said that they really didn't have a machine in the office that could do that, but he pulled out his if on cue, my husband says "there's an app for that?" Good Lord...there is. The folks at Apple would have been so proud.

The technician was kind enough to try to get us some 3D images, but because my son is breech and hiding behind his feet, the photos looked like something that should be selling souls to the underworld, but we appreciated the effort.

Not only is Vincent shying away from the camera (he'll have to get over that quick), my home computer is still MIA. Which means all the images I have on my camera are just sitting there. No place to download them, no CS3 editing, no online posting. I'm nearing meltdown. It might actually be better then Christmas when I get it all back.

Dear Santa, I have been extremely good this year. One could say phenomenal! Please bring back my PC and dole out harsh punishment for those at HP whom have made my life nearly unbearable. Thanks! -Ruth